Distance: 10.29km Time: 1:15 Pace: 7’22 kCal: 1187 Heart: 148/176 RPE: 7 Type: 10k Race

Okay okay – so this race report is over a week late!
Last week was a hectic week and it took everything I got just to stay on top of my work.
Honestly, I don’t know how all you bloggers and twitter gurus have time to run, read, write and tweet!
But don’t you just love WordPress?
I can simply change the date, back and everything is perfect… or am I supposed to do that?
Yeah – I know…
I’m supposed to write ahead of time and that way, everything is automatically posted.
One day… one day…
It’s like when I used to have the lab report already written up before going into the biochem lab and just fill in the numbers.
But I digress.
This is about running, not my previous years at University.
So where was I?
Oh yes, a race report about the cool run I had in the wine fields. Read on…
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