Distance: 8.13km Time: 1:00 Pace: 7’34 kCal: 971 Heart: 138/154 RPE: 6/7 Type: 4 Miles

Yike’s, I’m getting cold feet. Not good for a runner – get it…? Cold f-e-e-t…?
Okay, enough with the jokes, but I must admit that I am getting nervous.
Tomorrow is my Temecula Run Through the Vineyard’s 10k race. Last week was the 10k in Irvine and that was HOT! Tomorrow’s going to be even hotter. Plus, there are hills. Lots ‘n lots of them.
This will be my first 10k race outside my comfort zone. But that’s positive stress, right?
To top it off, I did my 4 mile run in the evening yesterday – just before sunset.
I felt as though I was breathing harder and moving slower. But at the end of the run, when I looked at my splits, I saw that everything was where is should be. 5k in 33 min and 4 miles under 7 min/km. But the cool-down after was very welcomed!
Hmmm… I think my mind is playing tricks on me again.
Then again, my butt is sore (I sprinted up the hills) and my knee is not too happy with me right now. I know that once I get into the groove (or is that grove – as in wine grove?), I’ll start getting warmed up and the knee will be happy again.
But for now, I’m still stressing out about tomorrow’s run. Maybe I should do some wine tasting before the race? Yikes, here I go again! Is it too soon? I know I’m committed, but if I can just get my brain to focus on the good…
Hmmm… let’s see, time for a table to collect my thoughts…
Bad |
Good |
too hot and sunny |
a nice country atmosphere with lots of cool people |
tripping on a vine |
trail running between the vineyards |
limping to the finish line |
getting a great photo (like the one from last week down below) |
a long way to travel for a race |
it’s really not that far – only an hour drive, besides…
wine tasting after the event and a casino nearby
I could become a millionaire!
There we go, positive thinking…
Now I’m focusing on the good – right? |
Well, we’ll see how it goes.
For now, it’s time to immerse my thoughts into my bowl of pasta!