Distance: 7.0km Time: 52:47: Pace: 7’32 kCal: 829 Heart: NA RPE: 3 Type: 45min easy

Wow. What a nice enjoyable run this morning.
After the last few weeks, I thought I was going to die. Today’s weather was in the mid 60’s when I started and 45 minutes later I STILL had a smile on my face.
The break in the weather has now given me hope that I can actually make it through next week’s Disney Challenge without dragging my tongue along the pavement.
Uhm… I think I should point out one small flaw in my running.
I don’t hydrate. So just maybe that was one of the reasons for the last two weeks of torture. I’m a minimist when it comes to running. I try to carry as little as possible. Even my Nano is too big sometimes! And a water bottle…? HA!
I know I’ve got to be more ‘responsible’ – and I do mean too…
Especially when I started dreaming about eating grapes with Cleopatra 1/2 way through last Saturday’s run.
I promise.
But for today, grapes never came into my thoughts.
Only the gorgeous sunrise breaking through the trees as I ran along the park path.