Distance: 15.0km Time: 2:04 Pace: 9’45/6’30 kCal: 1412 Heart: N/A RPE: 2 Type: 4×10-15 min runs

Today was a perfect day to get out.
I was planning on just going for a nice long walk along the beach, but by the time I got there and started walking, I just couldn’t help myself. I just had to start running. The weather was perfect – 63°F, overcast, a slight breeze, and very few people at 7am.
I few weeks ago I did the 4-mile pier-to-pier with my in-laws. My father in-law is 75 and he’s been running every single day for over 50 years.
It’s amazing to see how he runs. Not too fast (thank goodness for me), but very smooth and fluid while I was struggling away sinking into the sand with every step. How does he do that! And then he only breathes through his noise, while I’m a locomotive!
Man – I need wings!
Well I did learn a few things running with him and decided to try them out on my own today. Rather than running on the boardwalk, I ran along the beach. It was low tide, so again… Perfect. My goal wasn’t to get in a technical run, not to run a fast pace, and not to get the distance or time in. The goal was to simply enjoy myself.
And you know what? It worked!
I was at total peace while keeping an easy training pace. I focused on my breathing and simply enjoyed the ocean breeze on my face.
It was great to get out and a great ‘Day One’ for my ‘official’ marathon training.
Now if I can just find a full marathon to do after the Disney 1/2…
Suggestions anyone?