Distance: 6.00km Time: 0:49 Pace: 8’17 kCal: 579 Heart: 133/157 RPE: 4 Type: 343-10

Wow. What a beautiful morning. I woke up a little after 5am and the fog was so thick it reminded me of a perfect Halloween. Or in this case, a perfect morning for a run!
The temperature was in the low 60s and the sprinkling of moisture was perfect so I couldn’t tell if it was the weather or me sweating!
So off I went. A mile and a bit to the reservoir and then a nice run two times around the lake.
I could only see 50 feet in front of me and that was great ‘cuz I didn’t have to think about how far I had to go. Just keep going and enjoying.
My breathing was good and I felt that I could run for hours. Then all of a sudden it hit me.
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