Distance: 12.28km Time: 1:54 Pace: 9’20 kCal: 973 Heart: N/A RPE: 1 Type: heel recovery

As some of you know, I’ve been having some problems with heal pain (plantar fasciitis) and I’ve been switching between different running shoes to try to find the right comfort and support along with taping, stretching, and ultrasound.
I think my running shoes were the culprit… and though I love running in them, they are a little big and make my heal move too much. Another contribution to this problem and that I’ve neglected any type of cool-down and proper stretching exercises. Silly, silly me!
So, to avoid making things worse, I’m not running too much and looking to off set my training with swimming, cycling, and weights. Of course the hardest part is finding a place and time do to these ‘alternates’.
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