Distance: 21.9km Time: 2:59: Pace: 8’10 kCal: 2,841 Heart: 140/155 RPE: 3 Type: 1/2 Marathon for fun

Well the Disney ½ marathon and coast-to-coast challenge are over.
My goal was to run it in under 3 hours with character stops along the way. But silently I was thinking 2h45m. It didn’t quite happen that way.
Of course, it took well over an hour to run the first 5k, but that’s what you get when standing in line to get your picture taken with Daisy and Aladdin and Captain Hook and Thomas Train and … you get the picture. And of course there was the nature-related pit stop!
It would have been nice to just keep running around Disneyland and California Adventure a few more times, but it was time to head out onto the streets. Besides, with all the distractions I may have never finished!
At Mile 6 – the sun was making things hot, but not the 90°F plus temperature I was expecting.
At Mile 9 – I had so much fun running into the Angels Stadium and seeing the crowd, that I totally missed the mile marker.
At Mile 10 – I realized that it would all be over soon, as there were no more lines to get into! I must admit I was a little disappointed to hear that Chip and Dale were not going to be around this time. I was soooo much looking forward to getting another photo shoot with them to match the one taken in Orlando.
At Mile 12.5 it was time to head to the finish line. I still had lots of energy and decided to put on a great finishing show sprinting to the end (and of course bumping into those that suddenly stop right at the finish line!). Donald Duck was there to great me and give me a high five. But before I could get my hand out, I got sideswiped by 3 teens as they ‘jumped’ all over him. Poor Donald…
Total time 2h59m – HA!
Under 3 hours… Just like clockwork.
Of course it took another 3 hours to leave, since the battery was dead in my car. But alas, that’s a story for another time.
Thank you Disney.
We had a great time and those medals?
They sure look mighty nice!