Distance: 9.00km Time: 1:17 Pace: 8’35 kCal: 881 Heart: 144 RPE: 6 Type: 1 hour – hills training
It’s been a while since I could go out and run with confidence after my injury last month. So when I snuck out of the hotel just after sunrise, I knew that I was in the right place to get back into the running groove and put my worries behind me.
I ran up highway 46 from the 101 in Paso Robles. The funny thing is that the distance from where I was to the ocean was 26 miles. A perfect Marathon, but with an elevation of a few 1000 feet!
My goal was only an hour of running by hitting the side-streets about 2 clicks up the road. On the way up, a few cyclists waved as they passed. I’m sure that they were off to the ocean. But for me, it was a perfect morning just to get out and enjoy the countryside. Here’s the view from my turn-around point and the country road back to the highway. I just had to stay there a while and soak in the view.
How could anyone not love to get out and run in a place like this!