Distance: 7.14km Time: 0:53 Pace: 7’26 kCal: 742 Heart: 134/153 RPE: 6 Type: 5k (2x Lake)
So this is my first serious run after doing the 10k last weekend. I had to stop for a few days because I developed a Subconjunctival Hemorrhage on my left eye. I’m not really sure what caused it, but it was recommended that I hold off a few days on doing any intense exercise.
Of course I could have gone out for a walk, but sleeping an extra hour Tuesday morning felt so much better at the time!
Wednesday I went with good intensions, anxious to get back into it and to make up for lost time…
but my body had other ideas. Only one lap around the lake… and I had to find the little boy’s room again.
Well today is Thursday – already! And I’m glad I got out.
But rather than just do a few laps around the lake, I wanted to start adding some fun into my routine.
So my plan was to do one lap around as a warm-up, then do 4x60s speed burst and then… go back to my training pace. Then… there is the dreaded hill!!! So… I guess you can call this run speed and hills training? Cool!
All in all, it went pretty good.
Not a personal record (my 5k was short by about 30 seconds), but I’ve still got a few months to go for that!
What’s really great is that when I load up my stats to Nike Plus, I can now get my splits. This is great!
Now I can see how I did before walking it out on the cool down or when I’m doing a lap of speed training. I’m looking forward to when I can do my splits at 6min/km – Hmmm… hopefully for over 4 hours? But that’s still a long way off…

Nice speed work! Keep it up, you’re doing great.