The sun is out, the days are getting longer, and the flowers & dagwoods are starting to bloom. And after a few months of long hours put in for work, it’s time to take back control of my life (on the running side at least!).
It’s true that there is no excuse for not getting out and being active. You have to make the time. For me, it’s been challenging. 16 hour works days, 6 days a week makes it very challenging. But the work is under control now and I’m looking ahead to see what the new year brings.
For now a little recap of the last few months.
Jan 7 – Walt Disney 1/2 Marathon
It wasn’t my best and my pace was slower than the Portland Marathon, but with over 20,000 people cattle-herding towards a single onramp for the highway… a fast pace is not something you can or want to do.
Then there are all the stops to take pictures with Mickey, Mini, Pirates, GI Joes, and every other Disney character that you could image; they all came to life along the route. Running down Main Street and through the castle was amazing – as well as running though Epcot. However, I was hoping we would run around the lake at the international pavilions, but it wasn’t meant to be.
The most want-to-forget part was waking up at 3, getting on the bus at 3:45, and geting into the race corral before 5am. It was soooo coooooold! Thank goodness my wife suggested we snitch the red blankets we got on the plane down and use them while waiting for the race to start!. It was so cold that she ran with hers for 8 miles before dropping it. And then she took off even faster to ran the whole thing non-stop (not bad for absolutely no training since Portland). Of course, I took the leisure route, stopping for pictures, and asking for an acorn or two. I realized after a few close calls tripping over so many feet that it’s not possible for a big guy like me to squeeze through the crowds.
It was a lot of fun and we’re looking forward to the Disneyland 1/2 coming up in September. That one’s much more closer to home, so there’re be not jet lag issues. No speed records on this one either, asI’m hoping to get some family shots in with Chip n Dale again!
Feb 5 – Happy Anniversary

It’s been one year since I started on this journey.
Was it worth it? Yes. Absolutely. I’ve met a whole new side to living and it’s given me a more positive outlook in life (though I’ve always been pretty positive).
Have I lost any weight? Well… Yes and no. I’m actually the same as before. And in downtimes from injury, I start gaining. But the key it to be consistent and to have a happy, healthy lifestyle. I’ve gotten the happy part down pretty good. Still working on the healthy (eating my vegetables) part!
Do I have any additional goals for this year? I’ve started cycling. I’m still looking for a place to swim (other than a cold ocean with sharks). A triathlon is in the works. A few halfs and another marathon at the end of the year as well. I’ll get those all posted at a later date.
But, my immediate goal is to get out there to start running regularly again and to get back into shape.
Mar 6 – 1000 Miles (Almost)
Last year I had set myself a small personal goal to run 1000 miles.
I came in at 908 (1461km), a little short ‘cuz of my knee injury. But the good news is that I broke to Level Black (5,000km) with Nike+ They even sent me a free new footpad to say congrates. Now that was cool!
I’m hoping to break the 1,000 mile limit this year though.
So, I’ll keep you posted.
The Jelly Bean Race

Just needed to add this in.
Last year I did Jess’s Jelly Been race.
Well it’s coming up again this year over Easter week (April 1-8). It’s a virtual race and free to enter.
It’s a great way to get out there with no pressure. So if you’re signing up, let me know. I’d love to hear how you do.