Distance: 11.25km Time: 1:21 Pace: 7’17 kCal: 1,172 Heart: 139/152 RPE: 5 Type: 10k
So I did it again!
Sunday was supposed to be a rest day since I did 6k the day before, but it was so nice out and my wife came with me, that I decided to run just a little more than 40 minutes. How much more?
Well… enough to do 10k!
Pretty silly, but since I’m going to be doing a 10k race in a few weeks, I wanted to see if I could do it. Thinking back at it, I was a bit crazy to do it (my butt is still sore!). However, I must admit that I didn’t push myself.
For me, 10k in an hour is pushing it… but in 1hour 10min?
That’s a good training pace to start at – no?
Besides, my heart rate was in zone III and I felt pretty good while running along the boardwalk watching at all the amazing volleyball players!
So for the rest of this coming week I’ll keep things steady (4×40 minute runs) and just try to increase my pace a bit. I’ve got 2 weeks to go and then let’s see how I do at the Cinco De Mayo race on May 1st and to help out in Reaching for the Cure.

Sounds like you’re doing great! Just make sure you don’t blow off ALL rest days!